The prompt to save dialog is presented any time you have made changes to a project.
If you have not saved a project to a file you will receive a dialog like the following.
It will show <Not saved as file yet>. The following are the results of clicking one of the buttons from this dialog.
Yes- will display the normal SaveAs dialog No- will do nothing and continue with the operation you were attempting Cancel- will abort the process that you were doing at the time. Some examples are as follows.
If you were creating a new project or opening an existing project, clicking cancel will keep you in the same project. If you were closing the program, clicking cancel will keep the program open.
If you have already saved the project once you will receive a dialog like the following.
The file name is listed already, this project has been saved before. The following are the results of clicking one of the buttons from this dialog.
Yes- will automatically save the project and will continue with the operation you were attempting. No- will not save and continue with the operation you were attempting Cancel- will abort the process that you were doing at the time. Some examples are as follows.
If you were creating a new project or opening an existing project, clicking cancel will keep you in the same project. If you were closing the program, clicking cancel will keep the program open.